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Raimondi has a story he wants to tell. It’s one of hope and
despair, empathy and apathy, life and death. That’s
a pretty tall order to fill in just a 20-minute film, but Ken’s
sure he can do it – if you help.
using a Kickstarter campaign to make his film, “Her Unlikely Kin.” It’s
the story of teen-ager Sarah Rassi who desperately needs a bone marrow
transplant. There’s
only one donor who can help her – Peyton Sinclair. As if this scenario isn’t
dramatic enough, add to that the fact that Sarah’s
Muslim and Peyton’s
a veteran with PTSD.
give you an idea of why this story is so important to Ken, perhaps it’s
best to tell you Ken’s own journey. Ken was an Air Force
technical sergeant when I started working with him at Air Force Recruiting
Service in 2009. He had a reputation as a dependable guy you could count on to
not only get things done but done well.
Stratford, Connecticut, native graduated with top honors from every military
course or training program he attended. His work was consistently recognized at
the highest Air Force levels, in particular, an ambitious video blog called “30 Days Through Afghanistan” which he accomplished while he was deployed.
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Ken Raimondi talks about "Her Unlikely Kin." |
was good for Ken, his wife, Jackie, and their two young sons. But in the summer
of 2011, Ken noticed he was getting tired … a lot. This was surprising since he
was always physically fit, but he just chalked it up to being a dad.
he and Jackie went to a concert and Ken felt like his legs were encased in
cement. Even then, he didn’t want to think that
anything serious was going on, but the next morning when he woke up he had red
dots on both legs from his feet to his knees. He went to his primary care
physician and they did bloodwork. A normal platelet count is 150,000 to
300,000. Ken’s
was 16,000.
unsure of what was wrong and not realizing just how serious his condition was,
Ken and Jackie went out with friends for dinner a few days later. Ken bumped
into a table with his leg – it immediately ballooned up, and it was back to the
blood counts crashed and he received numerous blood and platelet transfusions.
With his resistance so low, he got sick on top of his illness.
can get you sick when your white blood levels are so low,” he said.
he was recovering his doctor came to see him. The diagnosis: aplastic anemia.
of the doctor’s
first questions was if Ken had any full brothers or sisters. In cases like
this, a bone marrow transplant from a
full sibling is the best chance of recovery. Unfortunately, Ken only has a half
brother and two half sisters, so that was out.
next treatment on the protocol was ATG – anti-thymocyte globulin – an antibody
derived from horses. It wipes out your immune system in the hopes it will grow
back healthy, and in about 50 percent of the cases it does just that. But Ken’s
numbers never went up enough. After six months his platelets increased to only
20,000. He was sick and tired of being sick and tired.
wanted a bone marrow transplant,” Ken said. “I had no interest in slugging it
out, feeling like crap and not doing stuff with my kids. I wanted a chance at a cure. ”
time, even though the odds were great they ended up being in Ken’s
favor and he found a donor. The bone marrow transplant took place on March 23,
2012 – now known as Ken’s new birthday.
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the big day, Ken decided he wanted to tell his story. He would do a blog, both
writing and posting videos, to let people know how important it was to be a
back it was therapeutic,” Ken said. “I kept the blog throughout the whole
process. Jackie updated it when I wasn't feeling well.”
Ken, it wasn’t
just the transplant itself that changed his life, it was the fact that someone
he didn’t
even know – “a stranger who matched me on a molecular level” – donated the
life-saving bone marrow.
though Ken fully recovered after the transplant, his health history was now a
liability to his Air Force career. So after 13 years of service, Ken was
medically retired in September 2013. He thought about what he would do as he
got ready to make the transition to civilian life, and he decided to take
advantage of his education benefits. He enrolled at the Vermont College of FineArts in their Master of Fine Arts program. He began the two-year program in
October 2013, and visits the school for a week during each six-month semester.
he was exploring ideas for his thesis film, he soon realized some of them were
too ambitious. He wanted to do a documentary and follow a patient and a donor
throughout the process, but the coordination and the legalities made it nearly
impossible at this time. He didn’t want to do the
story on himself. There were already films on bone marrow recipients, and they’re
done after the fact.
felt the story that needed to be told was that of the donor. Fifty percent of
the people contacted through the Bone Marrow Registry don’t
follow through with the donation. Imagine finding that one hope – the one
chance for life – and then they changed their mind.
what happened to a young girl named Lily here in San Antonio. She had one match
and they said no. She died without the transplant.
think of her and there’s no difference between her and me,
except that Cameron said ‘yes’ and didn’t
back out,” Ken said.
“Her Unlikely Kin,” Ken hopes there will be more donors like his and less of
the ones who change their mind. By clearing up misconceptions, he hopes to show
that the process isn't as scary as people think and the reward has no
substitute. You can help – by donating
to his Kickstarter campaign you can make that difference. The campaign started
Sept. 15 and runs through Oct. 15. His goal is $25,000. If you’re
not familiar with how Kickstarter works, you pledge an amount but if the goal
is not reached you won’t get charged. That way you’re
guaranteed not to lose your investment.
of the money will go to the actors and crew. The film is Screen Actors Guild
(SAG-AFTRA) approved and will have both union and non-union performers.
did that so I can pull from the highest quality actors. I didn’t
want to limit myself by not doing that. Equipment-wise I’m
going to rent a Zeiss lens, and I’m using my Sony
FS-100. Yes, the camera’s a little old but I know I can make
a beautiful image with it. The camera is just a tool,” Ken said.
already done a casting call, and auditions will be in November. Filming begins
in January in San Antonio. The final film should hit the festival circuit in
October 2015.
learn more about the film, Ken’s story and how you
can help, please visit the Kickstarter website. And as you’re
reading, think of Ken’s plea:
people only realized what giving to another human being could do.”
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